
Monday, August 25, 2008

Our Italy Trip

Don't miss the video at the end of this post!

Dan and I traveled to Italy so we got meet our new grandson, my daughter is in the army over in Camp Elderle. She is training in Military Police. Well as it turns out my grandson Trevion was born January 28th. We got to Italy in late Febuary. Dan has been to like 13 countries overseas since his time in the service although never having been to Italy. For me this was my first trip overseas.
Trevion is a little doll! Her husband was deployed to Afganistan but was able to come home for 3 weeks when he was born. Samantha(my daughter) had him earlier than expected so her poor husband, Keith wasn't able to be there for the actual birth. At least he got to come home though. He has since finished his tour and made it home safely this month.
We got to go to Marco Polo, Venice. Besides meeting our grandson, and meeting our new son in law and getting to see Samantha, the most fun thing was feeding the birds in Venice. I never had so much fun! Why I don't know. Maybe because the birds aren't as friendly here, heck I don't know! Enjoy the pictures. Samantha and my hubby went snowboarding in Austria, I stayed and watched the baby, so they could have fun. Neither one have ever snowboarded. Dan lasted I think he said 45 seconds trying to snowboard. Samantha got pretty good at it. Check Dan out, and have a good chuckle of the 52 year old snowboarding for the first time.

All in all had a great time. Being in a foriegn country is definitely different. Nice to visit, wouldn't want to live there though.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Pooped On In Italy

Can't anything go right?
Finally take a vacation, get out of the OZ, go to Italy, and guess what?
We still get pooped on!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Danandmarsh Has Started Walking

We've been trying to walk every evening. We try to go a little farther each night. Night before last we walked 1 mile. Last night we took it farther. After we got back we got in the car and drove our route to see if we had gotten to 2 miles. Nope, just missed it by 1/2 of a block.
On the way back(from our turn around), I decided to count how many steps it took us to get back. Figuring just shy of 1 mile it took 1200 steps, this is counting every time my left foot went forward. Wow.

Tonight we are going to take it to where we now know exactly one mile is, turn around and come back, giving us 2 miles. We will also time it..

Dan is in the National Guard and cannot pass his PT(physical training)to save his soul. It's the run that is the hardest for him. He is getting ready to retire in April or August of 2009 but has to reinlist for the minimum 6 months in February to make his retirement, if he can't pass his PT test there is a strong possibity he will be put out and will lose his chance at a full retirement!

You know the old saying, "so close but so far," or how 'bout, "to close for comfort"

Friday, August 8, 2008

Mr. Spider is Back

This morning the web was gone, we got rain last night. Well here tonight he has spun another web in the same spot. Industrious lil critter isn't he?

Spiderville located on the Porch

Here is the picture I promised you. I took this last night in the dark. The artwork a spider does is just awesome.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Looking out from our place, is just a view with storm clouds yet a sunset This was made into a panorama with 2 pictures. I just surprise myself sometimes! Stay tuned, I have a VERY awesome picture I took that I will be posting. You will definitely agree when you see it.


Backlinks and Authority

Would you like to improve your technorati authority and backlinks, and still want to provide good content to your readers? Enjoy the snowball effect and gain many links but still provide great content to your readers. I am starting off with a nice article from my friend and favorite blogger,Jackies Biz Blog on Finding Your Passion.
So here is what you need to do - follow the rules!
*** Beginning of Great Blog Posts ***
Life is Colourful has started a great blog posts train, that would help to compile some of the best articles around the web giving due respect to the blog post author.
Rule 1: Write a short blurb on this unique idea of giving due respect to great blog posts you like from your favorite bloggers.
Rule 2: Copy the content from “Beginning of Great Blog Post” upto “End of Great Blog Post” and paste it in your blog post
Rule 3: The line you add should comprise of “your site name” likes “your favorite great blog post from other blog than yours”. For example: Life is Colourful likes Auto article on Difference between all wheel drive and four wheel drive
Rule 4: Your favorite blog post can be your own blog post or from another blog you like. The blog post should be worth reading and you imagine, other bloggers would laugh at your taste.
Rule 5: Make sure you contact the bloggers and insist they participate so they can keep this going.
Rule 6: Come back to the original post and comment or contact us, so we can add your line in our post increasing your backlinks and technorati authority.
Great Blog Posts
Life is Colourful likes How to host a contestBest Travel Tips likes Foreign travel tips on drinking waterSMI likes How to survive volatile stock market
Giveaway City likes Reasons To Start Your Own Blog
Cash In Style likes I Found Traffic Xplode 2.0
Danandmarsh In Oz likes Finding Your Passion
Sherry Rambling likes Make Money In Offline Contests
ItinerantSyndicate likes Going to Tokyo-Japan, Here are Some Budget Travel Tips

Add your favorite blog post here
*** End of Great Blog Posts ***

Monday, August 4, 2008

Hot Air Balloon Ride, Do You Dare

Myself I would be pretty skeptical about riding on a hot air ballon. I received an email from my brother in Illinios. He told me that him and Diane(his wife)went on a hot air balloon ride. I couldn't believe it, I told him that I knew it wasn't Diane's idea. In another email he told me that actually it was her idea.
They had booked a flight with We Do Fly.

Here is a quote from their "trip."
"As soon as we got down, I told Diane I wanted to go again. It was SUPER. Just like floating in the air, which we were (lol). We slowly went up and slowly came down. Landing was almost picture perfect. After missing his first attempt he brought it down on a grassy strip that was about 50 yards wide between two corn fields. Took out about 8 or 10 rows of corn about 4 feet wide which they were able to stand most of it up. Lots of pictures. Most of scenery that looks the same all over. We met in Lake Geneva, they drove us to a small airport in Burlington. The wind took us just about straight south to Genoa City. We were as low as just over the tree tops to as high as 2000-3000 feet. It was a little pricey for the actual ride of about 45 minutes. If you could swing it I am sure you and Dan would love it. There has got to be other companies that do this. Do the Google search. It is no worse than a merry-go-round ride."

This was done in Wisconsin. They look pretty at ease up there I guess.
Well I guess it would be neat to do after all!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Danandmarsh Soaking In The Sun

We have our granddaughter Amya for a couple of days. Today it is such a HOT day so we decided to go down to the water park! We got soaked!! Amya was scared of the water shooting all over. 99 degrees today! :(


Friday, August 1, 2008

Giveaway Winner announced

Our winner of the Pepsi-tee shirt is Amber
Congratulations Amber, and thank you all for stopping by my blog! It's been fun!

For all those of you that didn't win I am offering a consolation prize of a $.55 Cinnamon Toast Crunch Coupon.
The link needs to be inserted exactly as shown; it's a little different then what I've seen before. When you click on the link, there is no image - the coupon goes directly to your printer.

Coupon link: http://bricks.coupons.com/bstart.asp?o=53431&ci=1&c=GM&p=8asJ7XWi
